Da giugno ad agosto, i Corsi Estivi di NABA nelle sedi di Milano e Roma propongono un’ampia e aggiornata sintesi del know-how dell’Accademia, fornendo agli studenti una visione delle tendenze più significative del mercato, dei processi di creazione industriali, delle più attuali espressioni artistiche e sociali, in ambito Design, Moda, Belle Arti, Arti Digitali e Multimediali, Comunicazione e Cultura Italiana.

I Corsi Estivi hanno la durata di 2 settimane full-immersion, e sono distribuiti lungo tre sessioni estive. Gli studenti potranno combinare tra loro anche più sessioni, combinando più moduli in sessioni di 2, 4 o 6 settimane, in modo da sperimentare l’approccio e i valori che contraddistinguono l’insegnamento NABA in maniera più completa.

Al completamento di ciascun orso estivo di due settimane a Milano, a Roma (45 ore ciascuno) e per il programma Two Cities, Double Experience NABA rilascerà 3 CFA.

Tutti i Corsi Estivi sono tenuti in inglese, pertanto una conoscenza fluente della lingua è un requisito indispensabile per la partecipazione.


Sei interessato ad altri corsi? Guarda il nostro catalogo!


3d Character Design Header
3D character design

Milan Campus 

Students will be introduced to the world of CGI, throughout the fundamental teachings of polygonal modeling, in order to learn how to develop humanoid and mechanical figures. The course includes the teaching of basic knowledge of Maya software, the use of well-defined shootings, and practical workshops.

Esec Summer Accesories Design Header
Accessories design

Milan Campus 

This course is focused on the discovery of the fundamentals of luxury accessories brand collections, specifically of Made-in-Italy shoes and bags. Students will acquire the basic skills needed to coordinate and to develop a personal collection proposal for a luxury accessory brand as a final project.

Graphecomm Illustrdig
Digital Illustration

Milan Campus 

Practicing with various tools, students will learn how to create effective graphic vector images, from simple graphs to basic shapes, icons, illustrations, and logos, applicable in many different professional and design areas.  

Header Gallery Biennio Fashiontextiledesign 1
Fashion design 1 - Session 1

Milan Campus 

An inspiring discovery of the Italian fashion pipeline with lectures by experienced professionals and guided visits to Milan’s best fashion areas and showrooms. Students will be given an overview of the Italian Fashion System, and they will learn to produce fashion sketches and to carry out research to be used to develop a fashion collection.

Fashion design 2

Milan Campus 

In this course students will create a capsule collection, experimenting studio and workshop practice. Concepts, moods and themes will be conceived and developed to provide inspiration for clothing, colour and shape and for the development of a prototype with handcraft tailoring methods.

Fashion Image & Styling I
Fashion image and styling 1 - 3 Sessione

Milan Campus 

Students will develop an understanding and gain experience in style-hunting and image styling as the foundations of fashion and project-development approach. They will be given an overview of the Italian Fashion System, and they will be inspired to develop their ideas and their potential to the fullest. 

Fashion and Image Styling II
Fashion image and styling 2

Milan Campus 

Through a theoretical and practical training in the field of fashion styling, the course enable students to create a new image encompassing make-up techniques, hair shapes, location, light, photography, and to ideate a real photo shooting for a fashion magazine.

Summer Hand Illustration
Hand illustration

Milan Campus 

The course will show different techniques, processes and approaches to hand drawing, providing students the basic technical and artistic skills necessary to turn their imagination into professional illustrations and acquire a creative sign.