Da giugno ad agosto, i Corsi Estivi di NABA nelle sedi di Milano e Roma propongono un’ampia e aggiornata sintesi del know-how dell’Accademia, fornendo agli studenti una visione delle tendenze più significative del mercato, dei processi di creazione industriali, delle più attuali espressioni artistiche e sociali, in ambito Design, Moda, Belle Arti, Arti Digitali e Multimediali, Comunicazione e Cultura Italiana.

I Corsi Estivi hanno la durata di 2 settimane full-immersion, e sono distribuiti lungo tre sessioni estive. Gli studenti potranno combinare tra loro anche più sessioni, combinando più moduli in sessioni di 2, 4 o 6 settimane, in modo da sperimentare l’approccio e i valori che contraddistinguono l’insegnamento NABA in maniera più completa.

Al completamento di ciascun orso estivo di due settimane a Milano, a Roma (45 ore ciascuno) e per il programma Two Cities, Double Experience NABA rilascerà 3 CFA.

Tutti i Corsi Estivi sono tenuti in inglese, pertanto una conoscenza fluente della lingua è un requisito indispensabile per la partecipazione.


Sei interessato ad altri corsi? Guarda il nostro catalogo!


Interior Design Hotels
Interior Design for Hotels - Session 2

Milan Campus 

The course will enable participants to understand the combination of aesthetics, functionality, and of operational aspects necessary to design successful hotels, analysing the contemporary hotel typologies and the latest hotel design trends, materials, furniture, and lighting. 

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Interior Design II
Interior design 2

Milan Campus 

Students will have the chance to analyse contemporary interior spaces through observation based on individual research. They will develop a professional designer’s attitude and will be able to create a model of interior layout using only regenerated or discarded materials.

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Lighting Design
Lighting design

Milan Campus 

The course gives an overall vision of the art of lighting and its related functions, from a technical and stylistic point of view, enabling students to develop a personal design language and a final project consisting in a new light system applied to an interior design case history.

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Product Design II
Product design 2

Milan Campus 

This course is suitable for students with some background in product design, and for students who have completed one or two years of university studies in art and design. 

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Header Gallery Fashion Design
Textile design

Milan Campus 

The course is divided in two connected parts, both theoretical and practical. Students will acquire the basic knowledge about the available materials, structures and techniques of weaving and printing. They will also learn to evaluate the most appropriate techniques to be applied to a fabric and they will produce a mini project.

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Visual Design
Visual design

Milan Campus 

Students will gain knowledge of the different visual communication concepts and tools and will be guided through a path marked by both lectures and practical workshops in order to learn digital skills and the methods of visual representation. 

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Visual merchandising

Milan Campus 

The analysis of visual merchandising strategies for showrooms, concept stores, monobrand stores, and department stores, will be the key elements of this course, along with the study and understanding of the tools used to create a strategic language for fashion brands.

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Costume design for cinema

Rome Campus 

This course is dedicated to students who want to get an overview of the process of costume design for the performance industry.

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