Da giugno ad agosto, i Corsi Estivi di NABA nelle sedi di Milano e Roma propongono un’ampia e aggiornata sintesi del know-how dell’Accademia, fornendo agli studenti una visione delle tendenze più significative del mercato, dei processi di creazione industriali, delle più attuali espressioni artistiche e sociali, in ambito Design, Moda, Belle Arti, Arti Digitali e Multimediali, Comunicazione e Cultura Italiana.

I Corsi Estivi hanno la durata di 2 settimane full-immersion, e sono distribuiti lungo tre sessioni estive. Gli studenti potranno combinare tra loro anche più sessioni, combinando più moduli in sessioni di 2, 4 o 6 settimane, in modo da sperimentare l’approccio e i valori che contraddistinguono l’insegnamento NABA in maniera più completa.

Al completamento di ciascun orso estivo di due settimane a Milano, a Roma (45 ore ciascuno) e per il programma Two Cities, Double Experience NABA rilascerà 3 CFA.

Tutti i Corsi Estivi sono tenuti in inglese, pertanto una conoscenza fluente della lingua è un requisito indispensabile per la partecipazione.


Sei interessato ad altri corsi? Guarda il nostro catalogo!


Sketching Summer Course H
Sketching around

Rome Campus 

Students will develop their drawing skills while exploring the ancient city of Rome, its monuments, museums, and the everyday places where Roman people gather to enjoy life, while making quick drawing and painting sketches outdoor and indoor different environments.

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Header Gallery Visualarts 2
Travel photography

Rome Campus 

In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of photography while exploring Rome, one of the world’s most historic and beautiful cities.

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Sound design
Sound design

Milan Campus 

This course combines critical-cultural knowledge, creative research, technical and technological practice, analysis and design of sound in different production areas: from electronic music production to sound design for film, television and radio. 

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Sound branding

Milan Campus 

Within the set of human senses and by combining critical-cultural knowledge, creative research, technical and technological practice with the analysis and design of sound brands, students will focus on the value of sound in building a brand identity and will acquire the knowledge necessary for the production of a final sound branding project.

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Motion Graphic Summer H
Motion graphics

Milan Campus 

The course explores the field of motion graphic by focusing on and putting into practice After Effects software skills, for the realisation of graphic design projects or other multimedia production experimentations, characterised by different types of animations and dynamism.

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Set1 12
Concept art

Milan Campus 

This course is intended for students without any academic background in the specific subject area and for students attending their first year of university studies in Art and Design.

Il corso non è al momento disponibile

Italian interior design
Italian Space Design

Rome Campus 

This course is intended for students without any academic background in the specific subject area and for students attending their first year of university studies in Art and Design.

Il corso non è al momento disponibile

Product Design Summer Header
Product Design I - Session 3

Milan Campus 

This course is studied for students who have no background in product design and for students who are attending or will attend their first year of university studies in art and design.

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