1. In accordance with the article 52, 1st paragraph of the Consumer Code: for signed contracts, contractual proposals of registration at distance, and for any contract negotiated outside the site of "Nuova Accademia" (NABA), it is recognized to the student the right to withdraw from the contract without the risk of incurring in any extra expenditure and without the payment of any penalty, within fourteen working days from the conclusion of the contract. The student willing to withdraw shall send a written notification containing name and surname, the address of the student, date and place, student's signature; it will be considered termination date, the date when the written notification will be received. The written notification shall be addressed to: Nuova Accademia Srl - Via C. Darwin 20, 20143 Milano (MI).

2. If a student withdraws from the contract lawfully, he/she has the right to get a refund of all the payments made order to NABA, included the delivery costs of the enrollment fee, without undue delay, within and in any event not later than fourteen days from the day on which NABA is informed of the student's decision and has recognized the legitimacy of withdrawal. NABA will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment the student used for the initial transaction, unless he/ she has expressly agreed otherwise and provided that the student shall not incur any costs as a result of such reimbursement.

3. NABA will activate online summer courses only if a minimum of participants will enrol. If a minimum of participants will not be achieved, the course will not take place. NABA will promptly communicate to the student if a course will be run or not. NABA will inform students at least 15 days prior the beginning of the course whether it will not be run. In such event, NABA will refund the students in the shortest possible term. NABA is exempted by any costs incurred by students (i.e. travel, food, accommodation...) for the enrolment and admission process, nor or any other damage of a different nature.

4. NABA reserves the right (up to 15 days before beginning of the program) to:
  • Cancel a course
  • Change a course

5. Enrolment to the online summer course, together with the payment of the required enrolment fee, creates a binding agreement to follow the course and to pay the full fees. NABA reserves the right (excepting what's stated on paragraphs 1-2-3) to dismiss or expel a student at any time for non- payment of fees or any other due amount, failure to meet the ongoing attendance requirement, late commencement of study and/or withdrawal from courses commenced under any circumstances (personal reason, health problem, family related problem..). No refunds will be granted to the student (including any prepaid fees or deposits) dismissed under this paragraph.

6. NABA reserves the right to use its discretion to determine number of online summer courses and the type of courses yearly set up for each program.

7. Classes will take place according to what is foreseen in the yearly academic calendar.

8. NABA shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance, in whole or part, of any of our obligations arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond or reasonable control including, but not limited, to strikes, lockouts or other industrial disputes (involving our workforce or the workforce of any other party), act of god, war, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulations or direction, accident breakdown of plant or machinery, fire, flood, storm, pandemics, epidemics or other outbreaks of disease or infection in the public supply of electricity, heating, lighting, air conditioning or telecommunications equipment.

9. Each and every Intellectual Property Rights that will result from the creative and inventive activities related to the projects that will be carried out by individual students or groups of students, within an educational project, under the guidance of NABA 's teachers and/ or directors, and any and all materials created, designed and carried out by students during the academic activity (i.e. essays, researches, sketches/drawings, models, presentations) will be exclusive property and ownership of NABA and will be for free and out righted remised to NABA and is understood by the student as of now transferred to the final title and free of charge to NABA, which will hold each and every right for taking advantage of the material and use it for economic purposes. Moreover, NABA will also have the right to use the material for any and all purposes such advertisements, promotion, internal policy, information, didactic research, educational projects etc... (These are not exhaustive examples). Consequently, NABA will hold each and every right to register the Intellectual Property Rights and copyrights in national, European and international registers, without prejudice to the student right to be recognized as author.

10. NABA is not responsible under any condition about the minimum computer requirements and technical proficiency to attend the online courses.

11. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of Italy and any controversy falls within the competence of the Milan legal court.

Please refer to art. 13 of the Italian legislative decree 196/2003 for the personal data processing, in accordance with the terms of the current legislation. The applicant can contact Nuova Accademia Srl concerning the data processing procedures email -

I hereby declare that I read, in addition to the information about the course chosen by the student, articles 1) and 2) referring to information and instructions about the right of withdrawal, the effects of withdrawal and the procedures to exercise such right.

Following artt. 1341 e 1342 c.c. I declare to have read and approved articles: 3) Non-activation of the course; 4) Cancellation and/or changement of the Course; 5) Obligation to pay fees, dismiss or expel student, no refunds; 6) NABA's right to use its discretion to determine number of courses; 8) NABA'S exoneration from liability; 9) NABA intellectual property rights; 10) NABA’s exoneration from minimum computer requirements and technical proficiency; 11) Italian Law and Milan legal court.